網路價:756元,結帳享5%折扣後 719


  • Original Formula
  • 2 Month Supply
  • Dietary Supplement

RoxyLean™ is a Medi-Biological Weight Loss and Energy catalyst that hits you fast. †

RoxyLean is the weight management, energy enhancing formula.† So fast, so lean, and so ripped. † This is the product that delivers where others fall short. †

When taken properly, research shows that the component agents in RoxyLean may have a remarkable and potentiating effect on weight management and lean muscle mass.†

In all the years that companies have struggled to formulate effective versions of weight loss products, there has never been another company as progressive as BPI Sports in helping reshape the category of weight loss supplements. † Never before has there been a product as targeted as RoxyLean.

Until now...

† When combined with a proper exercise and nutrition regimen.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bpi/bpi02522/u/1.jpg">


  • Original Formula
  • 2 Month Supply
  • Dietary Supplement

RoxyLean™ is a Medi-Biological Weight Loss and Energy catalyst that hits you fast. †

RoxyLean is the weight management, energy enhancing formula.† So fast, so lean, and so ripped. † This is the product that delivers where others fall short. †

When taken properly, research shows that the component agents in RoxyLean may have a remarkable and potentiating effect on weight management and lean muscle mass.†

In all the years that companies have struggled to formulate effective versions of weight loss products, there has never been another company as progressive as BPI Sports in helping reshape the category of weight loss supplements. † Never before has there been a product as targeted as RoxyLean.

Until now...

† When combined with a proper exercise and nutrition regimen.




網路價:592元,結帳享5%折扣後 563


  • 全新改進!
  • 含鋸棕櫚、β-穀甾醇和南瓜籽
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 阿爾比恩礦物
  • 純素食
  • 猶太潔食、猶太素食
  • 無麩質

Bluebonnet 的 MPX 1000 攝護腺支持膠囊用創新互補的營養物質科學配製,支持男性攝護腺健康,含標準化鋸棕櫚漿果、綠茶、蕁麻根提取物等,加上 β-穀甾醇、南瓜和亞麻籽粉,融入維生素 B6 和令人垂涎的 10:1 鋅和銅,以生物可利用性更好的氨基酸螯合形式呈現。可提供易於吞咽的蔬菜膠囊,極大程度幫助腸胃和吸收。



網路價:1,017元,結帳享5%折扣後 967
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bpi/bpi02665/u/1.jpg">


  • 能量†
  • 表現†
  • 減重†
  • 瘦肌肉†
  • 無刺激減重配方
  • 天然及人造香精
  • 2.5 克共軛亞油酸 (CLA) 矩陣
  • 2 克肉堿
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 50 份
  • BPI Health

BPI Health 的 CLA + 肉堿是高級無刺激減重配方。通過這種經醫學研究的成分的強效組合,您可以説明您的身體變成一部燃脂機器。CLA 和肉堿均被證明可以説明燃燒身體儲存的脂肪變成能量。肉堿也可以幫助提高能量代謝,提高運動成績,對抗疲勞。




早上服用一 (1) 份(1勺),隨餐或不隨餐服用均可,晚上服用一(1) 份(1勺),或遵照保健醫師的建議服用。


您可以搭配 CLA + 肉堿與您極愛的 BPI 燃脂劑使用,連續出擊,達到您的減脂目標。

網路價:710元,結帳享5%折扣後 675